ClickBank Affiliates

Count Down To Launch Date - June 24th, - July 5th

ANNOUNCING:  The 2nd Annual - Pheromone Advantage
FAST CASH GRAB and New Product Launch / Contest

This may be the FASTEST CASH GRAB in launch history...
First payouts will be mid-launch - June 29th, and again on July 6th*

  dollar-sign-symbol-19Top CASH Prizesdollar-sign-symbol-19

1st $2000
2nd $1000
3rd $500
4th $250
5th $100
6th $50


  Check Here For Leaderboard Stats

  • This offer is for men and women who are either married or Single
  • Landing pages are PG-Rated for ALL audiences.
  • Average order value up by 40% from last year.
  • Converts on stone cold traffic, but CRUSHES it with all dating and relationship
  • Most affiliates earn EPC's over $1.30, and many over $2.00.
  • Average sale is over $100 with 40% commission on this physical product, highest in it's class.
  • This is a unique offer your lists have never seen. They will buy, buy, buy!

Note: Payouts on June 29th and July 6th will be for 1Shoppingcart only.  ClickBank has there own payout schedule.  

This Is The Program Everyone's Talking About That Spits Out Tons of Cash For All Affiliates, Week After Week!

Perfect Complementary Product For The Seduction, Dating, Sex Ed, Self Help Niches...  Works Best With Email Blasts and Placed In Your Auto-Responders


Rated Top 10 Most Profitable Offers In
2016 By Susan Bratton with PLM


Affiliate Testimonials – col 1

Affiliate Testimonials

Chris "Mr. Moneyfingers" Haddad

Jan. 5 2015

I’ve always done very well pitching Drew’s stuff as well.

Richard Geller

Jan. 2 2015

We are just finished with a month of pheromone promos to our list, and we worked with Drew and he was GREAT (and still is :) )

I want to just say, if you haven’t promoted these to your list, you should. We did well with them, Drew paid really fast, and returns were ultra low.

Excellent conversions!

Affiliate Testimonials – col 2


Scot McKay

Jan. 2 2015

+1 for Pheromone Advantage and Drew. We did like $8K with it last year, by complete surprise.

Chris "Mr. Moneyfingers" Haddad

Sept. 24 2013

Hey guys,

Just a quick heads up that I mailed Drew Amend's pheromones offer last week and did pretty well with it. Ended up making about $9k on 2 mailings. The very best our men's list tends to do is about $18k and $9k is better than what we get with a lot of things we mail.

So I consider it a win.

If you want to try it out email drew at Drew @

He can only pay 40% commish (physical product) but the numbers still came out significantly over $1 a click for me.

Thanks to Susan for the heads up on the offer.

Chris "Mr. Moneyfingers" Haddad

Text with Images

Who Is Buying and Using Pheromones

Two-beautiful-young-women-flirting-with-two-men-in-the-barBoth men and women buy pheromones. We have a formula for men to help them attract and seduce women, and we have a formula for the ladies to help them get the romantic and sexual interest of men. 

Plus, both married and single people alike are buying pheromones.  Single men and women use pheromones to attract more dates, and married couples are using pheromones to spice of their love lives at home. 

Plus, pheromones are not just for young.  In fact our largest segment is for ages over 55. If you list tends to be older, then it's likely they will respond to pheromones even you built your list for gardening tips.  Everybody loves pheromones, it has universal appeal and applies to anyone who enjoys sexual relationships and social acceptance.

Pheromones Will Make You Tons of
Money Quickly and Easily

split-testingWe are constantly split testing and optimizing conversions and up-sells to help you get the most from this affiliate program.  

Conversions are high with average EPC's between $1 and $2 per click.  This is with a generous  40% commission on front and back end sales.  Average commission is $35 per sale, and with high conversions this adds up quickly to give you a huge ROI for each email sent.

Your Customers Will Thank You!

Pheromones can't be found in local stores, and your list will love you for turning them on to such a unique product that they can try risk free with our 6 month full money back (no questions asked) return policy.

please-your-project-customerHappy customers is practically our middle name. Our return or refund rate is only about 1%. Not only does this say that our customers are satisfied with the results, but it also means that 99% earnings you make are the earnings you keep.  Other information products can not compete with this.

Because our return rate is so low, we are able to payout every two weeks. Plus we can make exceptions for those affiliates who are driving traffic and paying for their media (advance approval is required).

red dashed line – no content

Yes! Let's Do This...I'm Ready To Get Started!

How Do I Promote This Product To Make Money?

The Perfect Complement to Your Offer...

Do you have an information product for men, women or even couples.  Are you in a seduction, dating, pickup, sex technique niche?If so, then this is for you! 

Pheromone will not compete with your offers, but rather complement them by making your information products and services work faster and better.

7UNffHow Much You will Earn

We pay a whopping 40% (excellent for physical products), and twice as much as any other program.  Average commission per sale is $35, and with low price points and killer copy conversion rate is high and your EPC will be between $1 or $2 per click.  Some affiliates do even better than this.

Best Ways To Promote

  • Email blast for rapid cash
  • Add this to your auto-responders
  • Use ad banners on your site
  • Mainstream and adult markets
  • Men, women, and mixed gender
  • Media buys (converts very well on cold traffic)
  • Write a post about it on your blog
  • Write a product review about it on your site
  • Post it in your online members area
  • Place our products in your upsell/cross-sale funnels



clickbank affiliate login button

ClickBank Login

CB Steps

Step 1
Click on the link below and sign up with our system to get your referral links (required)

IMPORTANT NOTE:  You must already be signed up as a ClickBank affiliate, but only get your affiliate links from our affiliates area. Just using the hop links from ClickBank will not give you the multiple landing page options we have set up for you.

Step 2: Login and grab your affiliate links

Step 3: Download and queue any of our swipes located here:

We have KILLER and tested swipe copy for...
Single Men
Single Women
Married Men
Married Women
and Mixed Gender

Step 4: Mail your entire list at least 3 times between June 24th, and July 5th



Have questions? Click here to contact us.


Have questions? Click here to contact us.

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laymen terms t&c

Here are the basic rules in laymen terms:

As an affiliate of Pheromone Advantage (Dr Amend Direct LLC), when you promote our products, you must agree to abide by our terms and conditions as follows:

  • You musty have 5 sales to 5 different people to receive your first payout - this is in addition to Clickbank's 5 sales requirement if you've previously met their requirement.
  • Under no circumstances are spyware, malware or adware promotions of our products allowed! »» Nothing that is “installed” on the prospect’s or user’s computer or hand-held device is allowed! « «
  • No negative promotions = ie. "is it a scam" - "is it a ripoff" - type promotions - this includes email subject lines, page titles / headings, and advertisement images / banners.
  • Trademark SEO, PPC or CPC promotions of our products allowed!
  • Under no circumstances use SPAM techniques to promote our products.
  • Absolutely NO EMAIL SPAM – emails lists MUST be Opt-in – no exceptions.
  • Absolutely NO Twitter Spam – use BEST PRACTICES when using Twitter to promote.
  • Absolutely NO Facebook Spam – use BEST PRACTICES when using Facebook to promote.
  • NO SPAM AT ALL in any Social Media, Social Networking, or Social Bookmarking Sites.
  • You will include Affiliate Disclaimers, as per the FTC Advertising Guidelines
  • Do not send JUNK, or UNQUALIFIED TRAFFIC to Pheromone Advantage (Dr Amend Direct LLC) product offers.
  • Be transparent and authentic – We will treat your visitors with massive respect and give them value during your launch campaigns/product promotions.

*Any violation of these rules can result in the termination of your affiliate relationship with Pheromone Advantage, including and not limited to forfeiture of any and all commissions. Moreover, we will cooperate fully with law enforcement in the event of fraud regarding marketing practices and or commission tampering.

* Trademark SEO, PPC or CPC promotions: The key to that sentence is “trademark“. In other words you can not target any of our brand names in your promotions. BUT you are certainly welcome to target appropriate key phrases/search queries – an example would be “how to attract women/men” or “reignite the passion”, etc.

Here are the detailed, fine-print, terms and conditions » » Click here « « opens in a new window.