Most Exciting News About Sex In Years – Pheromone Discoveries

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"The Most Exciting News
About Sex In Years!"

Human pheromones for both men and women
are reshaping the laws of attraction, now more than ever.  

dr amend’s letter

From: Dr. Virgil Amend, a leading pheromone expert.

Date: Monday, October 21st 2024

Dear Friend,

12123If you're like a lot of people who are frustrated with a lack of dates, not enough sex in your relationship, or if you ever get the feeling that real success with the opposite sex is just slightly beyond your grasp, then we need to talk.

In fact, millions of people just like you are feeling unappreciated and have a burning desire to turn things around.

Because if you are serious about having an improved love life, with more enjoyment, and increased satisfaction, then this could be the most important message you will ever hear.

Let me explain why...

You are about to discover something that is so simple, so easy to use, and so outside of the box - you may not have ever considered it until now.

It's one of nature's secret weapons called pheromones  [fer-uh-mohns]. These clever little "survival-of-the-species" hormones are used by almost all living creatures to attract the opposite sex and draw them in - including you and I.

You can't see them or smell them, yet pheromones can arouse a persons interest with gut level passion by triggering attraction signals we are already programmed to feel.

No matter who you are or how well you play the field, pheromones can take it to the next level. Pheromones are nearly odorless, and can now be worn on the skin as a lotion for maximum effect.

Best part is, no one will know you're wearing them!

Imagine walking into a crowded venue alone. As you make your way through the many people, eyes begin to follow your every move. When you stop and turn, you notice lingering looks and smiles greeting your glace as you look back. In no time at all,  you're no longer alone and the possibilities for the night now seem endless.

dr amend’s recommendation

Dr. Virgil A. Amend D.C.

tiffany granath

Pheromone Advantage Featured On TV & Radio

Playboy RadioWith Tiffany Granath!

Tiffany Granath

Tiffany Granath

kim iverson

Your Time with Kim Iverson

Kim Iverson

Kim Iverson

tsl open — Never heard of pheromones?

Never Heard of Pheromones?

If this all sounds a little far fetched, I totally understand. I thought so too when I first heard about pheromones and their strong powers of attraction.

Truth is… that nearly every species in the animal kingdom uses pheromones to help find mates and ensure the continuation of life for that species.  Scientists have known about pheromones in animals since the late 1800’s. But they were not discovered in humans until 1986. 

It was discovered that men and women naturally produce and secrete pheromones, like a natural sexual musk, through their sweat glands in concentrated amounts around their under arms, nipples and groins. 

Double blind and university studies show that women exposed to these natural musk scents from men, instantly spike in circulating hormones that have a direct impact on elevated mood, attraction, and sex drive.

These arousing effects can occur in a matter of seconds.  One moment you’re having a simple conversation with a striking individual, and the next moment they are  feeling the irresistible tug of attraction for you. 

Does this mean that every woman or man in the room will instantly want to take you home?  No! Pheromones have shown in numerous studies to enhance attraction qualities, and can be just the thing some people need to get them over the hump, so to speak, to meet people and develop normal and healthy human relationships.  Pheromones are not likely to overcome glaring attraction issues of personality, hygiene or appearance.

Today, Our Natural Pheromones
Are Going Largely Unnoticed!

The problem we are seeing today with this natural attraction process, designed by millions of years of evolution, is that our natural pheromones are going largely unnoticed for two significant reasons.

mansfeetinshowerOne, our modern culture demands frequent bathing, antiperspirants, layers of clothing, and fragrances of many kinds.  We are in effect washing away and covering up our natural pheromones completely.  

Plus, most of this hygiene attention is concentrated in the very areas we naturally produce pheromones such as our underarms and groin.  Our natural pheromones don't have a chance to be effective under these conditions, and we are literally letting our love lives go down the drain.

Secondly, the pheromone response systems for humans evolved at a time when human population densities were far less than today.  So not only are our pheromones being washed away, but we are going to need even more pheromones than our bodies can naturally produce,  just to stand out and be noticed by the crowd. So instead of trying to stand out in a crowd of say 100, we now need to stand out in a crowd closer to one hundred thousand. 

With so many cultural changes and the modern population expansion, it’s no wonder why so many people are frustrated in their romantic endeavors.  Men and women are finding it harder than ever to develop lasting romantic chemistry with women, while others are struggling more and more to maintain intimacy inside their committed relationships. 

Introducing Dr. Amend's Pheromones


Formula to Attract Women
Dr. Amend's formula to attract women is specially designed with three synthetically generated lab-grade pheromones. All of them are close cousins to testosterone and are the molecular equivalents to those pheromones that are naturally secreted by men through their sweat glands.

These are also the same types of pheromones that triggered women’s natural attraction instincts in numerous university lab tests and other double-blind studies. They are; Androstadienone, Androstenone, and 3-Beta-Androstenol.

Laboratory tests show that women exposed to the scent of these pheromones immediately spike in circulating hormones that dramatically elevate mood and libido. 

One whiff of this nearly odorless yet powerful pheromone cocktail and a woman can be subconsciously overwhelmed with feelings of sexual and romantic passion, and be attracted to you even if she has ignored your advances in the past.

Formula to Attract Men
Dr. Amend's formula to attract men is made with a specific group of pheromones that are designed to mimic the scent of an ovulating woman. The key pheromones that make up this scent are copulins and Estratetraenol.

This scent has been shown in laboratory tests to spike a mans circulating testosterone and other libido hormones within 2 seconds of exposure.

One whiff of this nearly odorless yet alluring scent and your man will be subconsciously overwhelmed with feelings of sexual and romantic passion for you and only you, that he simply can not resist.

You will be blown away by how quickly this can turn things around for the better, when suddenly he realizes that the two of you are meant to be together.

How To Apply Pheromones

How To Apply The Pheromones

It's best to apply it directly to the exposed surfaces of skin such as the back of the neck and forearms. In this way, the pheromones can evaporate into the air the entire day. Only one application per day is needed

Illustration For Men

Pheromones - demo 1Pheromones - demo 2Pheromones - demo 3Pheromones - demo 4

Illustration For Women



Back Story On Pheromomes

Back Story on Pheromone
Discovery and Research . . .

Pheromones were discovered in animals in the late 1800’s and have been used extensively in farming and controlling insect and pest populations.

Monell Chemical Senses Center in PhiladelphiaIn 1986 at Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, scientists discovered that humans not only produce their own unique pheromones, but can sense and respond to them in remarkable ways.

The excitement of these initial findings has led to dozens of university and double blind studies proving their effectiveness in humans.

Soon, a virtual "pheromone revolution" began to spread throughout academia and research institutes. New information and revelations were pouring in from prestigious research institutions from around the country such as:

  • U. of Utah School of Medicine
  • Rice University
  • The University of Chicago
  • Florida State University
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • San Francisco State University
Rice University

These studies and many more prove time and again that all humans have the capacity to produce, sense and respond to pheromones in remarkable and exciting ways.

how pheromones work

Precisely How Pheromones Work

Scientists have known for decades about an organ just inside the nasal cavity called the vomeronasal organ or VNO, and its sole function is to detect trace amounts of airborne pheromones.

Researchers studying human pheromone response have focused on this tiny organ composed of two small pits a few centimeters inside the nasal passage. Specialized nerve pathways now known as "Nerve O" bypass the olfactory cortex and superior brain and lead from the VNO and run directly to the limbic region of the brain.

The limbic region of the brainThe limbic region of the brain is also known as the “seat of emotions”.  This region of the brain is NOT directly connected to reason or cognitive thought patterns, rather it controls our emotions and sexual desires.

When the limbic system is stimulated by pheromones, it sends it's corresponding signals to the hypothalamus. This is the part of the brain that connects the emotions to the endocrine system, and signals a release of mood and libido controlling hormones.

When released these hormones circulate through out the body activating the sex response systems that in turn prepare the body and mood for sex, love and mating behavior. All of these events occur subconsciously, and are far outside of the control of the individual. A person will feel the tug of attraction even if they don't The sex sendocrinewant to. So, the stimulating feelings we experience from pheromones can be quite powerful.

When these sexual and romantic feelings overwhelm us, our brains release a chemical called phenethylamine which in turn kicks on dopamine production and the next thing we know, the real fireworks begin and it's game over.

This powerful cascade of events can happen in a matter of seconds, but the effects can last a life time. This is the phenomena is sometimes called "love at first sight", and is well documented in the annuls of brain literature.

Men and Women Respond
to Different Types of Pheromones

Women respond to a class of pheromones recreated in the sweat of men that are all derivatives of testosterone called andro-hormones. Androstadienone, Androstenone and Androstenol are three known pheromones in this class and all of which are components of our formula to attract women.

Women exposed to these compounds have shown in numerous studies to not only spike in hormones that control libido, but also has a positive effect on mood elevation and social cognition in general.

Men on the other hand are responsive to a class of pheromones that are derivatives of estrogen such as estratetraeol  and another class of pheromones called copulins. Both are most abundant in the vaginal secretions of ovulating women.

Estratetraenol and Copulins are the key ingredients in our formula to attract men. Men who are exposed to the scent of an ovulating woman are shown in laboratory tests to have immediate spikes in circulating testosterone. A key hormone in male libido!

testimonal header

Words From The Street . . .

testimonials – column 1

"Hands down a great bang for the buck.Very satisfied!"

"It has proven to be very effective in individuals that are receptive to pheromones. Not everyone is but most women I have met are receptive to one degree or another. There were a couple of persons I was dating that would have very strong reactions. Some of the best hot monkey sex I have ever had. One of them described me as a drug or something that she couldn't resist. She would get a whiff and go nuts on me. Of course she didn't know the pheromones were at work. This has definitely opened a lot of doors for me and has boosted my confidence. I would recommend this product to anybody looking to attract the opposite sex. Hands down a great bang for the buck.Very satisfied!"

2/10/2014 6:20 PM

Results not typical

"it works..."

"...I stay very close to the women I meet by dancing and just close and get her to laugh and relax and in time they get turn on. kissing. light feeling, till I hear there sound when touching her and about 80% of the time it lead to sexual healing one of my lady friend keep saying what I'm I doing to her not knowing its the pheromones doing what it do"

2/10/2014 4:49 PM

Results not typical

"I bought Pheromone Advantage for each of my three teenage boys as Christmas presents . . ."

"...because I noticed how it affected my girlfriend and other unsuspecting women while I was using it. Since the boys started wearing it, I now have three young men with girlfriends. I am now a hero dad."

Thanks Dr. Amend

2/10/2014 6:04 PM

Results not typical

"Very satisfied!"

"It has proven to be very effective in individuals that are receptive to pheromones. Not everyone is but most women I have met are receptive to one degree or another. There were a couple of persons I was dating that would have very strong reactions. Some of the best hot monkey sex I have ever had. One of them described me as a drug or something that she couldn't resist. She would get a whiff and go nuts on me. Of course she didn't know the pheromones were at work. This has definitely opened a lot of doors for me and has boosted my confidence. I would recommend this product to anybody looking to attract the opposite sex. Hands down a great bang for the buck.Very satisfied!"

2/10/2014 6:20 PM

Results not typical

"I have had a lot of "you smell so good" responses."

"Dr. Amend's product has caused women to hug me harder and lick the spots where I have applied the product. I have had a lot of "you smell so good" responses."

2/10/2014 4:06 PM

Results not typical

"Dr. Amend's Pheromone Advantage has landed me the woman of my dreams..."

Right from the first time we met, she was attracted to me. We have been dating now for 6 weeks and everything is progressing well. She has told me that she doesn’t know why she was attracted to me because I’m not her usual type. Dr. Amend's Pheromone Advantage worked for me."

Ron, Toronto Canada

2/11/2014 5:49 AM

Results not typical

"I can't keep them off me"

"Women will touch me and try to keep me around them even after I want to leave. I've found it as an effective tool for attraction. It also makes it easier for foreplay."

Anonymous: 2/11/2014 8:29 AM

Results not typical

"I believe this stuff works as advertised" 

"My female employees are always quite agreeable and cooperative now. Fascinating. Socially I find that women I encounter when playing my gigs as a Blues musician are quite friendly and attentive. I believe this stuff works as advertised."

2/11/2014 12:43 PM

Results not typical

"fiance was being friendlier than ever"

"Well for one thing i felt more energetic and my fiance was being friendlier than ever, I could see that the pheromones where working in a way because me and she has been fighting all the time but for the last few weeks things have gotten a lot better."

2/12/2014 10:26 AM

Results not typical

"I am 57 years old. I am very happy with the results of the pheromone formula."

"I ordered the formula after separating from my wife and was in a bad way emotionally. I actually am not looking for a new "long term" relationship but rather just for friendship and possibly companionship with a member of the opposite sex. All of a sudden women seem to be going out of their way to talk to me. Married and unmarried women acquaintances approach me with all kinds of things to talk about. Just what I was looking for. Thanks!!!

I would recommend this product and plan on ordering it again."

Erie, PA

Results not typical

"As long as Dr Amend is in business I'm going to buy his pheromone advantage"

"I've used it daily for about a year and the attention from women is amazing as I am somewhat shy! 

Now guys this is what I noticed right away, everyone appears to treat you as alpha male. Yeah the guys I work around even? My guess is I smell it too because never have I naturally just started talking to and joking with any woman I want to,and they're response to someone just enjoying the interaction with them is great!

Try it guys, see for your self. You'll notice the change in YOU and more so the women around you!"

Sincerely George. 
A very satisfied customer!

Results not typical

"I'm most satisfied was amazed at the results - being homosexual"

"I found it was truly amazing how well other men were attracted to me. I would absolutely recommend this to my friends, and will be buying again and again."

Billy 54 From Delaware,

Thu, Dec 3, 2009 2:26 PM

Results not typical

..."Please inform me if you ever plan to discontinue production so I can buy up your stock."...

"I am an engineer and a natural born skeptic. After using your product for over a month I can safely say it works... Please inform me if you ever plan to discontinue production so I can buy up your stock."

Patrick T.

Results not typical

testimonials – column 2

"I have noticed more women attracted to me"

"Using these pheromones has created more attraction of my wife to me. She gets more aroused when she smells the area of my chest I apply the pheromones to when we make love. I have noticed other women seem to want to hang around more. On a visit to my wife's best friends whom we have not seen for about a year I was greeted with the usual hug but this time she buried he face into my chest and hugged me much longer than comfortable. If I wouldn't have pulled away I don't know how long the hug would have lasted. Lucky for me my wife and her friends husband didn't seem to notice the prolonged hug. I don't know what this lady would have done if we were alone but she was definitely affected by the pheromones in a big way. I have also noticed at parties that my wife stays closer to me due to the increased attention of other women. I'm not looking for anyone else but the pheromones have done some interesting things in the dynamics of my relationship to my wife. After ten years of marriage this is great."

2/10/2014 6:39 PM

Results not typical

"It's only been a couple of weeks, but so far so good."

"Usually it would take me weeks to get up the courage to talk to any woman. There's a co-worker I hoped would notice me, but she always walked past me without a thought. Then when I used the Pheromone Advantage the first time, I walked by her in the hall and she asked me how I was doing. That lead to her coming into my office and she asked me if I wanted to go out for drinks. It's only been a couple of weeks, but so far so good."

2/10/2014 6:52 PM

Results not typical

"feel a bit cheeky using it on them, all good fun though"

"The 1st time I wore it I was standing watching cricket at a bar and a young attractive women asked me to join them at their table. This has never happened before. Later that night an attractive older lady made herself very available to talk to. I'm sure women are showing more interest since I have been using it. I have noticed some other more subtle differences in people I know better, but feel a bit cheeky using it on them, all good fun though."

Cheers Murray J New Zealand

2/10/2014 10:49 PM

Results not typical

"I have noticed more women attracted to me"

"I have noticed more women attracted to me . talk to me . had two women grab my butt , i noticed more smiles want to be near me noticed lots of changes in women i am from."

BARRY Alberta Canada

2/10/2014 11:24 PM

Results not typical

"It was well worth my time to get and use it"

"I stopped in to talk to the nurse at work one day while using the Pheromone Advantage I purchased from you. While I was talking to her she stopped looking at me and kept her head tilted down a little. Her voice changed some to a more sensual tone as we were talking about work related things. She started to twitch crossing her legs across each other and shortly after that she started to turn her wedding band around her finger. And out of the blue she said I'm married. I asked her what did you say and she said nothing. Then we went back to talking about work related things. But she was moving around a lot in her seat until I left the room. And we were talking across her desk. Since I was using your pheromone product I have had several other younger woman flirt with me a lot. But I know I would not have got that far with them without the Pheromone Advantage. There was this lady that I met at the 4th of July Celebration that I knew from way back. I was using your product as usual. Over the course of the next week we became more intimate and after that I did not have to use your pheromone product with her any more as things were doing fine between us with out it. But I know I would not have even got close to first base with that chick without your pheromone product. And I got what I wanted from her in spades. oh ya So Thank you very much for the Pheromone Advantage. It was well worth my time to get and use it."

2/11/2014 12:16 AM

Results not typical

"I got it to 'wake up' my wife. It works."

"We went from doing the wild thing from once a week to 5-6 times weekly. Be careful though...if you are married it also seems to attract other women, not just your wife."

Male, age 65...

Wed, Dec 9, 2009 4:41 PM

Results not typical

..."She just stood there and chatted"...

"I have not been able to totally try your formula around women that I would like to attract. I have had one experience using the formula that was very strange. I dabbed it on prior to going for a physical with my doctor who is a woman. At the end of the session in the exam room, I have never had her stand so close to me while sitting on the exam table. She just stood there and chatted. I do not want to be guilty of making up tales because I bought the formula but she was acting very different from what she normally has in the past. I have another appointment coming up and will try again. I will also continue to use it under various circumstances."

John, Sacramento, calif 
65 years old.

Wed, Dec 9, 2009 4:38 PM

Results not typical

"I am very satisfied with your formula."

"I even bought another bottle and I sent it to my BFF who is overseas."

Carmichael Vallejo 63, California

Wed, Dec 9, 2009 4:35 PM

Results not typical

"This product actually works!"

"I could not believe it at first. I have worked in the medical industry for many years commercializing new drugs. I also understand "spin" marketing. When I first ordered the product I felt stupid because I thought there is no way that something like this could work and yet here I am ordering it."

Bill 59, IL

Results not typical

"A piece of me says I don't want this secret to be shared."

"Here is how I know it works. I was married to one person for over 30 years and I worked hard to keep our sex lives fresh and fulfilling. When that ended I was not concerned with getting into a long-term relationship but I still desired and enjoyed intimate companionship. I met two different ladies that I saw off-and-on for a couple of years (so I had a base line on their behavior with me which was passionate I thought). I actually had to play around using the product and never, ever mentioned I was using something like this. I started off using a little bit and never saw a difference. So I thought "you fool, you knew this product would not own up to the claims made, why did you let yourself be duped." Because I had the product I decided that instead of throwing it in the trash, try using more of it. I learned that using too much (applying 3 times) tended to make my friends experience nausea, queasiness (it is hard to explain how they reacted to too much of the product, but too much product has the opposite effect of what you are looking for). I finally got the amount right and could not believe the reaction I got. My friends were having multiple orgasms, over and over. They would be so intense their bodies would shiver for minutes (and they loved to be held and cuddled during that time). I was seeking them, now they seek me.

My experience is hard to write about but the product does deliver on the promise. I would recommend the product (a piece of me says I don't want this secret to be shared).

I will always buy this product."

Sun, Dec 6, 2009 9:32 AM

Results not typical

more proof

Some of the Many Scientific Studies Regarding Human Pheromones

Evidence that human pheromones activate the human hypothalamus.

ttSavic, I., Berglund, H., Gulyas, B., and Roland, P. (2001). Smelling of odorous sex hormone-like compounds causes sex differentiated hypothalamic activations in humans. Neuron 31, 661-668. Abstract HERE

KEY FINDING: Pheromones either from men or from women are processed in sexually dimorphic regions male and female brain. (see also Savic et al., 2005 cited below).

sex-labPheromonal Responses in Humans Neuron 2001. 
Sobel, N and  Brown, W.M. (2001) The Scented Brain: Pheromonal Responses in Humans Neuron 2001 31: 512-514.”A robust hypothalamic response is seldom seen with ordinary odorants, and such an extreme sex difference is never seen with ordinary odorants. Considering that the hypothalamus mediates pheromonal effects and that sex specificity is a hallmark of pheromonal effects, Savic’s groundbreaking work adds significant weight to the claim that these compounds are human pheromones.”

Evidence that human pheromones elicit change in hormone levels in other humans. This evidence (from 1996 forward) is essential to the concept of human pheromones. No conclusive proof that human pheromones altered hormone levels in other humans was available prior to 1996. However, in 1992, Kohl’s first scientific presentation: ” Luteinizing hormone (LH), the link between sex and the sense of smell” predicted recent findings.

armpit_snifferMale axillary extracts effect pulsatile secretion of luteinizing hormone [LH] and mood  in female recipients. Preti G,  Wysocki CJ,  Barnhart K,  Sondheimer SJ and Leyden JJ. Biology of Reproduction 2003 Jun;68(6):2107-13. Abstract HERE The findings from this study were presented during the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences (2001). KEY FINDING: Application of male axillary extracts affects mood and LH pulsatility, which can be used as an assay to isolate the active components of axillary extracts. SIGNIFICANCE: Pheromones from men change hormone levels (physiology) and mood (behavior?) in women. This affective response could be expected to occur in heterosexual relationships. Furthermore, changes in LH pulsatility could be expected to result in increased estrogen levels, and increased oxytocin (a “bonding” hormone also linked to orgasm) levels.

Shinohara K, Morofushi M, Funabashi T, Kimura F. (2001)  Axillary pheromones modulate pulsatile LH secretion in humans. Neuroreport. Apr 17;12(5):893-5. Abstract HERE.

Shinohara K. et. al., (2000) Abstract HERE
KEY FINDING: “androstenol retards the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles and consequently delays the timing of ovulation.”

vno-diagramStern, K., & McClintock, M. (1998). Regulation of ovulation by human pheromones. Nature. Mar 12;392(6672):177-9. Abstract HERE.
KEY FINDING: “By showing in a fully controlled experiment that the timing of ovulation can be manipulated, this study provides definitive evidence of human pheromones.” SIGNIFICANCE: The pheromones of women change hormone levels (LH and FSH) in other women.

Monti-Bloch L, et. al., (1998) Abstract HEREKEY FINDING: Humans have a functional VNO and respond to pheromones with hormonal change.

Berliner DL, Monti-Bloch L, Jennings-White C, & Diaz-Sanchez V (1996). Abstract HEREKEY FINDING: existence of a human vomeronasal-hypothalamic-pituitary- gonadal system.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do you really have a 6 month full money back guarantee?
A. Yes. No gimmicks and no questions asked. Ship an empty bottle back to us within 6 months from the purchase date and it will be refunded in full.

Q. What are pheromones?
A. Pheromones are natural air-borne chemical hormones the body produces to attract the opposite sex.

Q. How are pheromones detected?
A. Pheromones are actually odorless and we can not detect them by scent. However, we are equipped with a 6th sense via an organ just inside the nasal cavity called the "vomeronasal organ" or VNO. Its sole function is to detect trace amounts of airborne pheromones, and then send electrical impulses to the limbic region of the brian which in turn controls our emotions and sexual desires.

Q. Is Pheromone Advantage just for men?
A. Men and women both respond to different types of pheromones. We have developed a formula for each of the sexes. One to attract men, and one to attract women.

Q. Do humans naturally produce their own pheromones?
A. Absolutely! Concentrated levels of pheromones can be found in the areas of our underarms, nipples and groin. Women have them in their vaginal secretions, and are much more abundant during ovulation.

Q. If our bodies produce pheromones naturally, then why would a person need to supplement with Dr. Amend's Pheromone Advantage?
A. It's true, our bodies produce pheromones. However, our cultural habits wash away, distort or hide our natural pheromones with frequent bathing, detergents, clothing, and antiperspirants. By supplementing with Dr. Amend's Advantage formula on the exposed areas of the skin like the neck, chest, and forearms we can not only replace natural levels of these hormones on our skin, but boost levels to the extent that the concentration of pheromones fills the air around us.

Q. Is Dr. Amend's Pheromone Advantage scented like a cologne or perfume?
A. No. The advantage formula is virtually odorless and can be worn with your favorite cologne, perfume or essential oils.

Q. What is the best way to apply Pheromone Advantage?
A. It is best to apply it on the exposed surfaces of the skin such as the neck, chest and forearms.

Q. How much do I apply?
A. Pheromone Advantage is for external use only, and is much like an essential oil. You simply dab on a small portion and rub it into the skin like you would a lotion. You can experiment with various portions, but you do not need to slather on large amounts. This special formulation is highly concentrated and only requires small amounts to be highly effective.

Q. How long does a single application last?
A. Several internal studies have shown that a single application is most effective in the first 6 to 12 hours of use. However, bathing and swimming can dramatically reduce it's effect and may require reapplication.

Q. Do the pheromones have a long shelf life?
A. Yes, the effectiveness of the compounds does not diminish over time. You can keep these bottles around for several years.

Q. Can I use it with sunscreen?
A. Sunscreen has not shown to interfere with effectiveness and can be worn with the formula.

Q. How long does it take to receive my order?
A. All orders are shipped by the next business day via United States Postal Service with confirmed delivery receipt. You should allow 5 to 7 days for delivery.

Q. What name will show up on my credit card statement?
A. We respect your privacy, and all credit card charges will be from "Dr Amend Direct LLC". No identifying information will be revealed on the statement.

Q. Is your packaging discreet?
A. Yes. Our packages are sent out in plain boxes and will read "Dr Amend Direct LLC". There will be no indication on the packaging as to it's contents.

benefits bullets

Start Enjoying the MANY Benefits
that So Many of Our Customers Have Experienced . . .

  • Lingering attention from the opposite sex with more smiles and eye contact

  • People you have previously met showing more interest than before

  • Become more confident talking to members of the opposite sex

  • People intuitively tend to respect you more

  • Increased self-esteem and confidence

  • Get your love life back on track once and for all

  • Meet more interesting people you connect with

  • Strengthen existing relationships and intimacy

  • Experience more passion than ever before

13 reasons to buy

13 Perfectly Logical Reasons
to Try Pheromone Advantage Today!

  • Dozens of scientific studies prove pheromones to be effective in attracting the opposite sex

  • 6 Month Return Policy: it works for YOU or your money back!

  • Doctor formulated with 3 pheromones blended into a single formula.

  • Super discreet shipping and billing. Pkg and billing read "Dr. Amend Direct LLC"!

  • One-time purchase, with NO auto billing !!!

  • Unscented with no added fragrances

  • No one will know you're wearing it, unless you tell them.

  • You can't buy our pheromones in any store. Only available online.

  • Secure on line purchase with 32 bit encryption.

  • Privacy policy legally binds us to not sell or share your information with anyone.

  • Spend less time and money getting what you need from your love life.

  • Don't let this GOLDEN opportunity get lost in the shuffle of life, do it today.

the bottom line

Here Is The Bottom Line...
No Matter Your Circumstances!

Look, I know your situation is unique. But, if you are still reading this its likely that your love life could use improvement at least on some level. And I don't have to tell you that if your love life is miserable, then everything else in your life can suffer.

Right now, no matter your circumstances, you have one of two choices to make.

Choice number one is you leave this page without trying "Peromone Advantage".  This choice takes you back to the path you have been on until now. One riddled with deep concerns and doubts about the future and sexual agony. You definitely don't want that.

Which is why you should seriously consider choice number two. Just click the order button below and give my formulation a try.  This option leads you in a brand new direction, into a whole new world of infinite possibilities. A new world that is all your own, where you have finally found that island of happiness you have always dreamed of having.

I've unlocked the door. All you have to do is walk through it.

I hope you understand that I've stacked the deck so much in your favor that you can't lose. Actually there is one way you can lose, by walking away from this wonderful opportunity to give this a chance to make a difference in your love life.

You've suffered and craved real passion for long enough. Just click the button and place order right now. I personally guarantee you'll be glad you did.

Dr. Virgil A. Amend D.C.

Dr. Virgil A. Amend D.C.

P.S. Do it now because nothing will change unless you take that one step towards change, by trying something new. If you put this off now, you'll likely never come back to it.

Formula to Attract Women

Check OutChoose The Formula That is Right For You

"Formula to Attract Women"

mens 1 bottle

buy 1Mens Pheromones

To Attract Women
1 Month Supply

Regular Price $59.95
Now Only $49.95
Plus $5.95 S/H
5 to 7 Day Delivery

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mens 2 bottles

buy 2Mens Pheromones

To Attract Women
3 Month Supply

Regular Price $179.85
Now Only $99.90
FREE Priority Shipping
2 to 3 Day Delivery

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mens 3 bottles

buy 3Mens Pheromones

Best value!
To Attract Women
6 Month Supply

Regular Price $359.70
Now Only $149.85
FREE Overnight Shipping!

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Formula to Attract Women

"Formula to Attract Men"

mens 1 bottle

buy 1Womens pheromones

To Attract Men
1 Month Supply

Regular Price $59.95
Now Only $49.95
Plus $5.95 S/H
5 to 7 Day Delivery

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mens 2 bottles

buy 2Womens pheromonesTo Attract Men
3 Month Supply
Regular Price $179.85
Now Only $99.90
FREE Priority Shipping
2 to 3 Day Delivery

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Womens 3 bottles

buy 3Womens pheromones

Best value!
To Attract Men
6 Month Supply

Regular Price $359.70
Now Only $149.85
FREE Overnight Shipping!

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This is a One-Time Purchase

This is a One-Time Purchase
No Auto Billing!!!

We Ship All Around The World! All international destinations will go out regular First Class Mail via USPS at no additional cost. International orders welcome! Please allow 10 to 14 days for delivery due to customs. Package will read "lotion".

Single bottle orders will be shipped First Class US Mail and should expect delivery within 5 to 7 business days.

*Orders that qualify for FREE overnight shipping must be received by 3pm CST.
Overnight deliveries will be made via USPS Express mail service, and can be delivered to PO Boxes.

My Iron Clad 6 Month Money Back Guarantee – gray header

My Iron Clad 6 Month Money Back Return Policy

My Iron Clad 6 Month Money Back Guarantee – verbiage

6 Month money back guaranteeNow, if you're worried this might not be for you, don't worry because you're covered with my iron-clad, 6 Month Unconditional 100% Money Back love it or leave it return policy!

Order Pheromone Advantage right now… Use it it all up if you want to.

Dr. Virgil A. Amend D.C.If you're not happy with the results for whatever reason at all, simply return the bottle(s) back to me and I'll gladly and promptly issue you a 100% refund of the purchase price less any shipping charges. NO questions asked!

Our address is:
Pheromone Advantage
889 N. Maize Road Suite 209
Wichita, KS 67212

You don't even have to write the address down. It's printed on the label of every bottle. Just ship it back with your name and address.

Plus, if you have any questions at all about your order, simply give our support team a call at 316-844-1215 or shoot them an an email at

Fast and Super Discreet Shipping – gray header

fast shippingFast and Super Discreet Shipping

Fast and Super Discreet Shipping – verbiage

Discretion and privacy are our chief shipping objectives.

Discreet shipping

Absolutely NO indication on the box or shipping container as to it's contents.
2. Card Statement Will Read DR AMEND DIRECT LLC
3. Shipped From Address Will Read DR AMEND DIRECT LLC.
4. All orders via United States Postal Mail with confirmed delivery receipt.
** Please allow 2 to 3 business days for processing.



address, support

Pheromone Advantage LLC
11841 W. ONeil St
Wichita, KS 67212

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Copyright © Pheromone Advantage LLC