The Best News About Sex In Years!
Are you serious about having an improved love life, more enjoyment, and increased satisfaction? If so, this will be the most important message you will ever read, and I'll explain why...
If you are like a lot of people who are frustrated with a lack of dates, not enough sex in your relationship, or the feeling that real success with the opposite sex is just slightly beyond your grasp, then we need to talk!
First, I must say you are not alone. Actually, millions of people just like you are feeling unappreciated and have a burning desire to turn things around.
You are about to discover something so simple, so easy to use, and so outside of the box you may have never even considered it until now! It's one of nature's secret weapons called pheromones. These clever little survival-of-the-species hormones are used by almost all living creatures - including you and I.
It's really quite simple. Pheromones are natural air-borne chemical hormones that our bodies emit to arouse the opposite sex and draws them in. You can’t see them or smell them, yet they can be powerful enough to attract a person with an almost animalistic desire.
Pheromones can arouse a person's interest with gut level passion by triggering the signals we are all programmed to feel. From an evolutionary point of view, pheromones give any species a surviving advantage by making sexual attraction and mating more instinctual.
At this point it is important to understand that men and women naturally produce pheromones around the nipples, under arms and groin. These areas also happen to be the areas getting the most attention in our daily hygiene rituals.
The problem I'm seeing today is that our natural pheromones are going largely unnoticed becuase our cultural habits effectively wash away, cover up, distort and hide our natural pheromones with frequent bathing, detergents, layers of clothing, antiperspirants and so on.
However, by supplementing with pure pheromones on the exposed surfaces of skin like the back of the neck and forearms we are not only replacing our own natural levels of pheromones, but raising them to the point that they are giving our sex lives a real boost.
The Key To Passion
Is All About Chemistry . . .
Sound too good to be true? A healthy skepticism is completely understandable. But pheromones have been a tool of biology for millions of years, and men and women have been "hard wired" from the beginning for one main purpose . . . And that is to REPRODUCE!
The good news is that anyone can now tap into the power of natures chemistry as we have developed two formulas for both men and women which blend high concentrations of gender appropriate pheromones.
By supplementing with a few drops of our topical pheromone supplement on the exposed areas of skin like the neck, chest and forearms you can not only replace natural levels of these hormones on our skin, but boost levels to the extent that the concentration of pheromones effectively fills the air around us!
So You May Be Wondering . . .
Do Our Pheromones Really Work?
You may have heard about pheromones, or maybe not. But what you really want to know is do our pheromones truly work? Or, more specifically will they work for YOU?
Perhaps you have even tried pheromones before, but weren't convinced that they worked. If this is the case, please realize that there are a LOT of inferior pheromone products on the market today. Many of them double as cheap cologne and MOST don't even contain any actual human pheromones!
Let's Set The Record Straight
On Pheromones Once And For All . . .
If the idea of a “love potion” seems silly and outlandish to you, I fully understand. Most everyone that has never heard of pheromones or understand exactly how they work thinks the same thing.
First, you should know that it is well documented in dozens of scientific studies that all humans have the capacity to produce and sense pheromones.
We produce pheromones in concentrated areas of our underarms, nipples and groin, and it is also well documented in numerous studies that humans have specialized nerve pathways that sense pheromones and deliver signals to the emotion and sex centers of the brain.
More on that in a minute, as I will explain in great detail exactly how pheromones work below.
The question I get all the time is this -- (some serious and some in jest) -- "Does wearing pheromones cause ALL women to act like sex crazed maniacs"? The short answer is, "No, of course not".
The truth is that the effects of using Pheromone Advantage are relatively the same on all women; calm relaxation, sexual arousal, feelings of love and romance. But the outward behavior that you'll notice will differ from woman to woman based on her inhibitions, personality and self control.
Often the passion flows right away. In other situations it can take a few applications and may require prolonged exposure. Regardless, this powerful formula works!
For men who regularly sleep in the same bed with the object of their affection, I strongly recommend that you apply Pheromone Advantage at night before climbing into bed. In this way your mate will be in close proximity with exposure lasting for extended periods of time while you both sleep. So in addition to night-time exploits, this can lead to more morning sex as well!
The Three Keys To Creating
An Effective Pheromone Product?
It is fair to say all pheromone products are NOT created equal! Pheromones do work, BUT they have to be the right kind of pheromones (The Quality) and formulated at just the right concentrations (The Quantity) and then delivered in a way that they can be effective on your skin (The Delivery). Miss any of these three key features, and you'll never see the benefits. But get them right and you'll feel like you have the keys to the kingdom.
Pheromone Advantage was specifically developed to WORK! It is the real deal. This special formulation synergistically blends high concentrations of the three most powerful human pheromones known to be effective in stimulating mating and sexual urges… and it's changing the love lives of those who use it.
How Pheromones Work
Scientists have known for decades about an organ just inside the nasal cavity called the vomeronasal organ or VNO, and its sole function is to detect trace amounts of airborne chemicals called pheromones.
Researchers studying human pheromone response have focused on this tiny organ composed of two small pits a few centimeters inside the nasal passage. Specialized nerve pathways now known as "Nerve O" lead from the VNO and run directly to the limbic region of the brain, bypassing the olfactory cortex.
These nerves were thought to remain dormant the majority of the time, but have now been confirmed to become active with a flood of measurable electrical impulses when subjected to specific human pheromones. The evidence is undeniable: Humans do in fact respond to pheromones!
Pheromones detected by the VNO have been shown in laboratory tests to send powerful signals directly to the limbic region of the brain, also known as the “seat of emotions”. This region of the brain is not directly connected to reason or cognitive thought patterns, rather it controls our emotions and sexual desires. So, the stimulating feelings we experience from pheromones can be quite powerful.
When these sexual and romantic feelings overwhelm us, our brains release a chemical called phenethylamine which in turn kicks on dopamine production and the next thing we know, the fireworks begin. This powerful cascade of events can happen in a matter of seconds, but the effects can last a life time. This is the phenomena commonly known as "love at first sight", and is well documented in the annuls of brain literature.
How To Apply Pheromone Advantage
When and How Often to Apply:
Pheromone Advantage is intended for daily use. A single application of Pheromone Advantage should remain effective for at least 8 to 12 hours. It will wash off while swimming or bathing, and will need to reapplied to maintain it's effect.
Where to Apply:
As shown in the pictures above, Pheromone Advantage works best when applied to the exposed surfaces of skin such as the back of the neck and forearms. After applying to the skin, the remainder can be rubbed into the hair for greater effect.
How Much to Apply:
To apply pheromone advantage, simply dab a small amount onto the tips of your fingers. This product is highly concentrated and works in small amounts. You do not want to slather Pheromone Advantage on like lotion or sunscreen. Think of it more like a cologne or perfume, even though it's not scented. The application amount would be about the same. The amount that would be absorbed into the tip of a cotton swab should be sufficient. Over application is not recommended. In high concentrations pheromones can have an unpleasant odor to some people.
A few of the common uses for pheromones at home, work or for going out:
- Boost Sex Appeal and Attract the Opposite Sex
- Spicing Up a Relationship or Marriage
- Building Trust
- Easing conversation
- Boosting Self Confidence
- Alpha Male Effect
- Business Meetings
- Gaining Charisma
6 Key Reasons Why
Pheromone Advantage is Different
1.) Unscented -- Pheromone Advantage is virtually odorless and can be worn with your favorite cologne or essential oils. Other pheromone products double as cheap cologne with unpleasant odors.
2.) Actual Human Pheromones with Superior Quality -- Pheromone Advantage is made with true human pheromones of the highest quality. The sad truth is that many inferior pheromone products use plant or animal pheromones that are ineffective on humans.
3.) Three-In-One Pheromone Formulation -- No other pheromone product combines three human pheromones in one formula. Almost ALL other inferior products at best contain only a single pheromone. By combining all four of the most powerful human pheromones known to be effective in stimulating attraction and sexual urges, this formulation leaves nothing to chance by activating the VNO in every possible way.
4.) Super Concentrated For Maximum Effectiveness -- Other pheromone products that actually use a true human pheromone lack sufficient concentrations. In contrast Pheromone Advantage has been specifically formulated to emit effective levels of all four pheromones for 6 to 12 hours after application. No other pheromone product can make this claim.
5.) Non-Alcohol Based -- Again, almost all other pheromones products strictly use alcohol based suspensions, and when applied to the skin they evaporate almost immediately. Pheromone Advantage is only 10% alcohol and 90% DPG (a water soluble solution) and is designed to diffuse evenly throughout the 6 to 12 hour range of effectiveness.
6.) 6 Month Money Back Guarantee -- If in your own sole judgment you are not convinced that your Pheromone Advantage formula was worth every penny and more, you have 180 days to simply return the unused portion for a full and complete refund - no questions asked! If you are not thrilled, you don't pay - PERIOD!
To Have Good Healthy Sex!
As you may know, if your sex life is miserable, EVERYTHING ELSE in your life can suffer horribly. Fortunately, in today's modern society we don't have to feel guilty anymore for wanting better sex. But, what men need is a boost... to get us over the obstacles that separate us from sexual fulfillment.
Here are a few of the many potential benefits that await you with Pheromone Advantage:
The Bottom Line . . .
Let me be honest... when I talk with guys on the phone, the one question I get the majority of the time is "does this stuff really work?". Generally I'll respond by telling them that this product had been around for ten years, and we get tremendous feed back on it everyday.
The truth is that we get stories from men on a regular basis we simply can't publish on this web site. The testimonials you read above are not the best ones we have. They are truly the ones that sounded the most believable while maintaining appropriate language for public viewing. The ones we don't publish are truly over the top and could not be placed word for word on this site.
Often people want to know if we get a lot of returns and it comes down to this... we have sold tens of thousands of bottles, and we offer a 6 month money back guarantee. Of those who buy our product, we receive less than 1% returns. This means that 99%+ of the men that order this product keep it and MANY of them order again and again.
Frankly, at this point it is up to you. You have seen the science. You've read the research. Your instincts are telling you that there is really something to this, and the only reasons you wouldn't buy it because you were not convinced that it will work for you as it has for others.
But, the good news is you can try it RISK FREE. Get a bottle right now, and you have 6 months to decide if it's right for you. If you are not thrilled, just return it for a full refund.
So don't wait another minute. Take the next step to unleashing her inner passions. Put the power of this special formula to work in YOUR love life right now. You'll be glad you did.

Dr. Amend
Dr. Virgil Amend
P.S. The greatest solutions in the world are worthless . . . unless put into action. With our unconditional guarantee you have so much to gain and nothing to lose!
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Words From The Street . . .
"I am 57 years old. I am very happy with the results of the pheromone formula." I ordered the formula after separating from my wife and was in a bad way emotionally. I actually am not looking for a new "long term" relationship but rather just for friendship and possibly companionship with a member of the opposite sex. All of a sudden women seem to be going out of their way to talk to me. Married and unmarried women acquaintances approach me with all kinds of things to talk about. Just what I was looking for. Thanks!!! I would recommend this product and plan on ordering it again."
John Erie, PA
"Thank you and you can be sure that I will re-order. My daughter and I are having fun with the women's formula :)"
Wed, May 11, 2010 10:021 AM
"I got it to 'wake up' my wife. It works. We went from doing the wild thing from once a week to 5-6 times weekly. Be careful though...if you are married it also seems to attract other women, not just your wife."
Male, age 65 . . .
Wed, Dec 9, 2009 4:41 PM
..."She just stood there and chatted"... I have not been able to totally try your formula around women that I would like to attract. I have had one experience using the formula that was very strange. I dabbed it on prior to going for a physical with my doctor who is a woman. At the end of the session in the exam room, I have never had her stand so close to me while sitting on the exam table. She just stood there and chatted. I do not want to be guilty of making up tales because I bought the formula but she was acting very different from what she normally has in the past. I have another appointment coming up and will try again. I will also continue to use it under various circumstances.
John, Sacramento, calif 65 years old.
Wed, Dec 9, 2009 4:38 PM
"I am very satisfied with your formula. I even bought another bottle and I sent it to my BFF who is overseas. I would."
Carmichael Vallejo 63, California
Wed, Dec 9, 2009 4:35 PM
"This product actually works! I could not believe it at first. I have worked in the medical industry for many years commercializing new drugs. I also understand "spin" marketing. When I first ordered the product I felt stupid because I thought there is no way that something like this could work and yet here I am ordering it."
Bill 59, IL
"A piece of me says I don't want this secret to be shared." Here is how I know it works. I was married to one person for over 30 years and I worked hard to keep our sex lives fresh and fulfilling. When that ended I was not concerned with getting into a long-term relationship but I still desired and enjoyed intimate companionship. I decided to try an escort service and met two different ladies that I saw off-and-on for a couple of years (so I had a base line on their behavior with me which was passionate I thought). I actually had to play around using the product and never, ever mentioned I was using something like this. I started off using a little bit and never saw a difference. So I thought "you fool, you knew this product would not own up to the claims made, why did you let yourself be duped." Because I had the product I decided that instead of throwing it in the trash, try using more of it. I learned that using too much (applying 3 times) tended to make my friends experience nausea, queasiness (it is hard to explain how they reacted to too much of the product, but too much product has the opposite effect of what you are looking for). I finally got the amount right and could not believe the reaction I got. My friends were having multiple orgasms, over and over. They would be so intense their bodies would shiver for minutes (and they loved to be held and cuddled during that time). I was seeking them, now they seek me. My experience is hard to write about but the product does deliver on the promise. I would recommend the product (a piece of me says I don't want this secret to be shared). I will always buy this product.
Sun, Dec 6, 2009 9:32 AM
"As long as Dr Amend is in business I'm going to buy his pheromone advantage" I've used it daily for about a year and the attention from women is amazing as I am somewhat shy! Now guys this is what I noticed right away,everyone appears to treat you as alpha male. Yeah the guys I work around even? My guess is I smell it too because never have I naturally just started talking to and joking with any woman I want to,and they're response to someone just enjoying the interaction with them is great! Try it guys, see for your self. You'll notice the change in YOU and more so the women around you!
Sincerely George.
A very satisfied customer!
I'm most satisfied was amazed at the results - being homosexual I found it was truly amazing how well other men were attracted to me. I would absolutely recommend this to my friends, and will be buying again and again.
Billy 54 From Delaware,
Thu, Dec 3, 2009 2:26 PM
..."Please inform me if you ever plan to discontinue production so I can buy up your stock."... "I am an engineer and a natural born skeptic. After using your product for over a month I can safely say it works... Please inform me if you ever plan to discontinue production so I can buy up your stock."
Patrick T.
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